

A detailed program, including date and time of talks, can be found here: gbr2013_program You will receive a printed version of the program at the registration desk.

Wednesday, May 15th

08:30 Registration
09:00 Welcome
09:30 Invited speaker 1: Mario Vento
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Session 1: Finding Subregions in Graphs
12:20 Lunch
14:30 Session 2: Graph Matching
16:10 Coffee Break
16:40 Session 3: Classification
17:30 TC10
18:30 Walk, Get-Together

Thursday, May 16th

08:30 Session 4: Graph Kernels
10:10 Coffee Break
10:40 Session 5: Properties of Graphs
12:20 Lunch
14:30 Invited speaker 2: Herbert Edelsbrunner
15:30 Session 6: Topology
15:55 Coffee Break
17:30 Talk: Donald E. Knuth (Optional)
19:00 Workshop Dinner

Friday, May 17th

08:30 Session 7: Graph Representations, Segmentation and Shape
10:10 Coffee Break
10:30 Session 8: Sets of Graphs
11:20 TC15 Meeting, GbR 2015
12:20 Lunch